SE04 I[SE04] DAY 08 - Obsessed with


김지윤2023-04-26 07:59
It is easy to be obsessed with myself all the time. Bible tells us to lay down myself and focus on jesus but it isn't easy. So I pray and ask help for it everyday.

보배합2023-04-26 22:24
Yes, indeed! We need You, Jesus, every second of our lives. Our self-centered nature makes us concentrate on our interest only. Break our ego into pieces. Shatter our self-centeredness into dust with Your powerful love and grace.

Daniella2023-04-26 14:01
When I get distracted, I found myself to become obsessed with materialism and physical realm around me. I decided to renew my mind on the word of God and listen to his voice.

보배합2023-04-26 22:26
Amen! Yes! I also choose to rely on God at this very moment. Lord, renew our mind with Your words. Make us listen to what You are saying through the Bible. Even when we are discouraged, we choose once again to take a step forward with Your voice.

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-26 19:57
We can not control people around us and to be overly obsessed with what people do that’s wrong is not healthy way to live. It makes everything personal.

보배합2023-04-26 22:27
Yes! You are right, Andrea. Please never stop sharing your writing! It's always my joy to read yours.

은혜 Caris2023-04-26 20:09
Thank you Lord first. With the start of Giving table 04, I got a message from a friend who started intercessory prayer. I didn't know how to respond to her latest message, which was painful, so I prayed with I'm praying for you. she told me It was very difficult and painful, but She said that there was God's grace... and thank you from the bottom of my heart praying for me...
And I still couldn't sleep well because of today's women's ministry and tomorrow's Jubilee's birthday party. I become obsessed with my own agenda. I always obsessed with my plan, me being control from a to z. Come down from the throne of my heart. Be my king. Even if things don't go according to my plans, let me trust you to follow. Please Lord... 🙏
And I still couldn't sleep well because of today's women's ministry and tomorrow's Jubilee's birthday party. I become obsessed with my own agenda. I always obsessed with my plan, me being control from a to z. Come down from the throne of my heart. Be my king. Even if things don't go according to my plans, let me trust you to follow. Please Lord... 🙏

보배합2023-04-26 22:29
Amen, amen! Thank you, Lord, for choosing Caris as the one for the other to rely on. Even though we don't know what and how to pray, we trust that You would send Your Holy Spirit to us, helping us to pray the prayer You want. Make us pray. Help us not walk away from taking responsibility of praying. Oh, how we need you, Lord.

Brielle2023-04-26 20:35
After reading the text from the book, I had to think for a while to remind myself what I am obsessed with thesedays. Where is my focus? What is it that troubles me? After looking at my diary and my mobile calendar, I realized I coudn't stand this small tiny square left empty. My obsession was to fill these squares and deceive myself that I had lived a FULL day. But now I regret that I have not spared enough time for rejoicing in praise, reading bible and deep prayer.

보배합2023-04-26 22:35
Dear Brielle, thank you so much for choosing to become our inspiration by sharing your beautiful piece of writing. I'm also obsessed with having the feeling of fulfillment. You would understand how painful it had to be when I couldn't check any squares after having two little ones who require every minute of my attention. These are the moment when I need God's grace to fill in my empty-like state of mind. Help me Lord to choose to give my disorganized life as an opportunity for me to witness who is really in control. God, You are in control.

이은아(Elina)2023-04-26 22:32
What am I obsessed with thesedays? Honestly, I'm focusing how to make pipeline to earn extra money and why I stand here now(=what am I doing).
Every mornig, I pray for his unfailing love and his calling, but I forget his words and pray in my daily life. Lord, How weak I am. However, I believe that you will never give up on me. Your love flows forever in my heart. Let us go back to Jesus!!
Every mornig, I pray for his unfailing love and his calling, but I forget his words and pray in my daily life. Lord, How weak I am. However, I believe that you will never give up on me. Your love flows forever in my heart. Let us go back to Jesus!!

보배합2023-04-26 22:37
Dear Elina, I am so there with you! Making the most of every opportunity is one of main responsibilities God has given us, I believe. It's my joy to read your writing. Please keep up the good work! You are building something beautiful there.

김은종2023-04-28 00:30
When I feel nervous I become obsessed with fear that I can't handle the situatuon and I will fail. But there is the way to come out of the feeling which is surrounding me. The only way to save me from the wilderness is God, the savior. I will run to you and look up to you when there is nothing to do. Please come to me and lead me to you, Lord.
Today's Bible Verse
I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3:12–14
From the Book
I’m praying for you to be able to focus on running toward the heavenly prize. [Part 1]
In the midst of hardship, it can be easy to become obsessed with our pain, unable to think or talk about anything else. We easily become focused on doing whatever it takes to get to the good life in the here and now. But in Paul’s letter to the believers in Philippi, we see that Paul maintained a very different focus in the midst of his suffering in prison.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p71
Ashley's Note
Lord, it's easy for me to become obsessed with my own agenda. No, I shouldn't say it's easy; I'm always obsessed with my plan, me being in control from a to z. When the plan does not go along with what I've expected, I have a tendency to blame You for everything even when I am the one who have started the plan from the first place! Oh Lord, so here I am, praying. Lord, I confess that You are the king above all. Let Your light shine through my broken life; let the world see who is in control. Your will be done.
Today's Missions
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :-)
3) Today's phrase: obssessed with - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧은 영작을 해보세요 :-)