SE04 I[SE04] DAY 07 - Be worn out from


김지윤2023-04-25 09:01
I enjoy working with children in the classroom but sometimes I am worn out from the day's work . It takes great amount of energy to cope with children .
But I still love them and love my work. ^^
But I still love them and love my work. ^^

보배합2023-04-25 22:34
Dear Gen, I can always imagine how sincere your love is for your students and the art you are building there with them. Thank you so much for choosing to live an inspiring life for all. God bless you, dear my sister in faith. Sweet dreams, Gen :-)

Daniella2023-04-25 16:15
Dear Father, Thank you for showing us how to take a real rest in you. We are so blessed that we could live freely and lightly on the rhythms of your grace when we are worn out from working all day.

보배합2023-04-25 22:37
Amen! Thank you, Father, for making Daniella pray with a thankful heart even when she is tired from working. Be the spring of life. May her soul and body rest well in Your presence at this moment.

Brielle2023-04-25 17:10
It is so easy to get worn out, when so many complicated things are happening all at once.
When feeling like I've lost all my energy, I spare a quiet time for myself with a hot coffee, easy book and a smooth, calm music.
When feeling like I've lost all my energy, I spare a quiet time for myself with a hot coffee, easy book and a smooth, calm music.

보배합2023-04-25 22:39
Hot coffee! Book! and Music! Wow. You are my type of girl, Brielle. Just picturing your quiet time makes me comfortable already. Thank you so much for choosing to share your inspiring writing. Sweet dreams! :-)

은혜 Caris2023-04-25 19:13
I'm praying for H. I can relate to her feeling. She said, 'I am worn out from sobbing. I can' t pray any more. Please pray for me. '
' when I am warn out from sobbing, I can be sure that the Lord has heard our weeping'
I am sure the Lord has heard her weeping.
You have heard her pleas and will answer.
Even if the decision she is making now is a decision that hurts her so much, let her have trust in God who is listening to her tears, heart and prayers.
Please comfort her heart. Be with her so she doesn't think she's alone. bring her back together with her husband.
' when I am warn out from sobbing, I can be sure that the Lord has heard our weeping'
I am sure the Lord has heard her weeping.
You have heard her pleas and will answer.
Even if the decision she is making now is a decision that hurts her so much, let her have trust in God who is listening to her tears, heart and prayers.
Please comfort her heart. Be with her so she doesn't think she's alone. bring her back together with her husband.

보배합2023-04-25 22:41
Amen, amen. Lord, I also pray with Caris as I read her prayer. Help us to wait for your salvation in faith. Help us to choose a narrow way for the real life.

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-25 20:37
Sometimes I am so tired and worn out by working as mom and wife. At that time, I have forgotten that God gives children and husband as gift for me. Thanksgiving is disappeared in my heart and I am stuck in self pity. But throughout the good spiritual habit which is related to daily routine, I can tune into God’s voice. Eventually I can acknowledge that I am the sinner before God. God alone is my strength on the day of salvation. I can rejoice in Your unfailing love.

보배합2023-04-25 22:47
Yes! God alone is our strength. May Andrea's life glorify Your name high, Lord. May she be the example of Your love. May the people around her witness Your love through her daily life.

김은종2023-04-25 23:36
I was worn out of the meaningless life but God came to me and touch my broken heart with his unfailing love. He is my only healer. Thank you, Lord.

보배합2023-04-26 22:22
Dear Lord, we thank You for touching Sylvia's heart with Your unfailing love. You are truly a God of salvation. Only when we are in Your presence, we can see the purpose of our lives.
Today's Bible Verse
O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your rage.
Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak.
Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
I am sick at heart.
How long, O Lord, until you restore me?
Return, O Lord, and rescue me.
Save me because of your unfailing love.
Psalm 6:1–4
From the Book
I’m praying that God will give you the grace to wait. [Part 3]
When we are sick at heart, troubled in body and soul, wondering if God is even hearing our prayers, we can be sure that he has heard. When we are worn out from sobbing, we can be sure that the Lord has heard our weeping. He has heard our pleas and will answer. It may not be today or tomorrow. In fact, God may not accomplish all the healing and restoration we long for in the person we are praying for in this lifetime. But we can be sure that the day will come when his work in our lives and the lives of those we love will be brought to completion. He will return. He will rescue. He will save because of his unfailing love.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p68
Ashley's Note
Heavenly Father, You have every reason to cover my eyes, not allowing me to know the future; but I humbly acknowledge my impatient nature. It's more than easy for me to fix my gaze on the uncertainty of unknown future. Whenever I face the anxiety of not in control, I easily get worn out, not being able to see the meaning of life at all. Oh, Lord, I'm such a fragile being. I once was lost, but now I'm found for Your faithful and steadfast grace, Whenever I'm lost in anxiety, oh Lord, cover my eyes with Your light. Make my eyes focus on Your promise. Yes, You will return. You will rescue. And You will save.
Today's Missions
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :-)
3) Today's phrase: be worn out from - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧은 영작을 해보세요 :-)