SE04 I[SE04] DAY 06 - Relate to


Salimist, NABI2023-04-24 07:36
It's important to 'be humble' about seeking for God's Grace and Mercy over our sins. We might be unfaithful but HE is faithful and merciful. We can relate to David's prayer(Psalm51) in case after that he did wrong things) to merciful LORD.

보배합2023-04-24 22:40
You are right, Nabi! We are unfaithful creatures with wicked hearts, but He is faithful and merciful, choosing to love us again and again. Like you said, we should be humble for His great love even when we don't deserve anything from Him at all. Thank you, Nabi, for choosing to share your great piece of writing. It's always my pleasure to read yours. Please keep up the good work!

김지윤2023-04-24 09:11
We believe in merciful God who cares and loves and waits for us.Yes indeed your love and mercy flow like a river. I can relate to God's heart whenever I read his words finding the beautiful love which we cannot find in this world.

보배합2023-04-24 22:47
Dear Gen, thank you so much for sharing a beautiful piece of writing with us. Personal confession: I've just found out bad news about yet another person whom I used to know in my small group at my church. This world is fallen till the point where all the creature shout in agony for the return of their creator. There is no salvation in this world. But like you said, as I read His words, and as I read your writing, I am finally able to seek for peace, beauty, and love. Thank you, Gen, for being a part of our faithful journey. Sweet dreams!

Daniella2023-04-24 09:52
I pray the holy spirit be my best friend so I am able to relate to God correctly. Thank you father for sending him here inside us to encourage us and constantly assure your love.

보배합2023-04-24 22:50
Amen! Holy Spirit, wherever Daniella is, be present right besides her. Fill your presence in her soul. Let the world witness that You are at Your work with Daniella, restoring a beautiful church in her soul and her precious life.

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-24 17:45
When we face troubles in our lives, it is important to remind how we relate to God based on the bible. Because as we have suffering, we usually ask why question to God and doubt God’s presence and His love based on the circumstances or our emotions. God always wants to relate with us. He calls us ‘His children’, even ‘His bride’ in the bible. And His words never change. Therefore we have confidence in God’s love and mercy. Because He is our good father and good bridegroom.

보배합2023-04-24 22:54
Dear Andrea, it's always my honor to read your beautiful piece of writing. May God bless you through your sincere, steadfast heart for Him. May the world aroud you give glory to God by witnessing God's personality through your ordinary life. I love you, dear my sister.

Brielle2023-04-25 17:22
I find it easier to relate to people when there is something in common such as hobby, religion, family status...etc. It is not always easy to start a open conversation but once I get to know their interest and find the way to sympathize with them, the process of building a relationship can become less of a burden.

보배합2023-04-25 22:31
Dear Brielle, thank you so much for choosing to share your story with us! It's always my pleasure to read yours :-) Please keep up the good work! We are almost there!

김은종2023-04-25 23:31
I believe in you, Lord. I will follow theway you showed us on the cross. It is related to new life. I am not the one who I d to be. I was born into a new creature in you.
Today's Bible Verse
O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your rage.
Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak.
Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
I am sick at heart.
How long, O Lord, until you restore me?
Return, O Lord, and rescue me.
Save me because of your unfailing love.
Psalm 6:1–4
From the Book
I’m praying that God will give you the grace to wait. [Part 2]
We can relate to David’s cry of “How long, O Lord … ?” He gives us words to express our own frustration with what can sometimes seem like slowness on God’s part. But his words also remind us to whom we’re praying. David was praying to the God of unfailing love. That’s what kept David praying for what seemed to him to be much too long. He knew that it is God’s essential nature to be merciful, and that he was praying to a God who hears, who answers, who rescues. So, he kept praying.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p68
Ashley's Note
Father God, thank you so much for reminding me of who You are. You are the God of unfailing love. You are the God of mercy. Your love and mercy flow like a river. In Your presence, I choose to kneel down, and lay down J's name. I believe that she is in the good hand. Open her eyes to see where her soul is. Cover all her but's with the blood of Jesus. As she lives another day, walk besides her, allowing her to feel related to You in every possible way. Be the air she breathes in. Be the water she drinks. Be the bread of life she eats. Fill her soul with Your light and protect her from evil thoughts. And may she proclaim Your name on high with a thankful heart in Your time and in Your way. In Jesus' name, amen.
Today's Missions
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :-)
3) Today's phrase: Relate to - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧은 영작을 해보세요 :-)