SE04 I[SE04] DAY 02 - Indulge in

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Today's Bible Verse

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of  any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

James 1:2–4

From the Book

I’m praying that you will consider this trial as an opportunity for joy. [Part 1]

It hits us as completely counter-intuitive that when troubles come our way, we should consider them opportunities for great joy. We more naturally think of  them as opportunities to complain, to doubt, to indulge in self-pity, or simply to make the best of a bad situation until it resolves. But James says that we should “consider it” differently. In other words, we should think about troubles differently — in a way that will cause us to feel differently.

<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p59

Ashley's Note

Father God, it makes me small when I yet again realize the fact that how thoroughly You know me. My words are lighter than the air. My heart is darker than the night sky. My every motive is strictly for myself. Oh God, my dearest friend is in danger, and I said I would pray for her; but I do not know what and how to pray for her. Whenever I try to pray, I find myself indulging in my needs and wants. Lord, shape my prayers. Guide my lips. Mold my words. Help me pray what You want me to pray. Help me pray with Jesus' heart. Help me not forget Your unconditional love. 

Today's Missions

1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다. 

2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :) 

3) Today's phrase: indulge in - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧게 영작해보세요. 단 한 줄도 괜찮아요. :-)

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