SE04 I[SE04] DAY 02 - Indulge in


김지윤2023-04-18 09:10
Sometimes in my thought area I indulge in those thinking of self focused thought . It's so easy to be self focused all the time. I want to be free from the self but it is not so easy.

보배합2023-04-18 15:00
Dear Gen, you are so right. It is more than easy to be lost in thoughts; and most of the time, those thoughts are focused on me, me, ME! That's why we need to 'be joyful always;
pray continually; and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.' (1 Thessalonians 5 16~18). Thank you, Gen, for giving me this opportunity to walk with you, my dear sister in faith.
pray continually; and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.' (1 Thessalonians 5 16~18). Thank you, Gen, for giving me this opportunity to walk with you, my dear sister in faith.

Daniella2023-04-18 09:10
When troubles come my way, it seems natural for me to indulge unwelcoming feelings. It is not easy to be toughen up. The only way I could move the mountain is to see myself in the mirror of Jesus because he always consider me more than I imagine. I know It takes effort and time for me but I want to move and finish with him as he is the only answer.

보배합2023-04-18 15:06
Dear Daniella, you are right! Jesus is the one and only answer. I pray that God may use us as instruments that lift up Jesus' name even when we sound off balance. Come to think of, perfection should not be the issue, I guess. What matters more is willingly giving Jesus our flawed days with a grateful heart. Thank you, Daniella, for leading me to think more about it. You are doing great. Please keep up the good work!

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-18 14:16
Whenever I have conflict with other people around me, I usually indulge in my wrath and self-righteousness. But as I marinate in God’s word more and more through listening sermon, praying, reading bible, God opens my spiritual eyes. Then I can realize that I am 100% sinner and my self-unrighteousness. Please help me to live according to only Your will.

보배합2023-04-18 15:09
Amen, and amen! Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your prayer with us. God, help us choose to live according to Your will. Open our eyes to seek You in this broken world. Lead us to choose to walk the narrow path that goes to the real life You have promised. In Jesus' name, amen.

Salimist, NABI2023-04-18 15:46
LORD, Give me wisdom and your perspective in all circumstances that I face everyday life. I often indulge in complaining and correcting someone who made the situation worse. But Now, I pray in the name of Jesus, I will be grateful for everything even in trials and try to find the great joy that is treasure only God can give me. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

보배합2023-04-18 23:01
Amen, amen! Lord, I'm so quick to complain and judge other people without taking my responsibility. Even when I'm tempted to look away from my sin, oh Lord, help me take responsibility for what I've done. Help me find the joy You have planted there.

판교책방 Wonder2023-04-18 22:06
Dear Lord,
Help me to embrace all the circumstances and relationships you allowed to me. Often I tend to indulge in my own judgement and thoughts so that I judge and condemn those whom you have given to me to serve. Pour out your heart to my poor old lousy mind. Please wake me up with your tender hands and give me a brand new mind for another new day.
Help me to embrace all the circumstances and relationships you allowed to me. Often I tend to indulge in my own judgement and thoughts so that I judge and condemn those whom you have given to me to serve. Pour out your heart to my poor old lousy mind. Please wake me up with your tender hands and give me a brand new mind for another new day.

보배합2023-04-18 23:03
Amen. Dear Wonder, thank you so much for sharing your precious prayer with us. I am praying with you as I'm reading your prayer. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to pray with you.

이은아(Elina)2023-04-18 23:17
whenever I indulge in some bad things, I feel those kind of things make it put some distance between Jesus and me. It is not that easy to turn my eyes to the Lord and think about what he want every single moment. Especially, when troubles of any kind come our way. I agree Today's bible verse, but I think that I can't do that at the same time. I mean, We can only do that in our Lord. So, go back and pray to Jesus as soon as possible, "Help me, Father God!!"

보배합2023-04-19 23:08
Dear Elina, thank you so much for choosing to become our inspiration by sharing your honest story. As I read your story, I'm also praying with you. "Father God, help us!"

김은종2023-04-18 23:49
When I have a problem, I can't get out of it to the point of despair and indulge in self-pity. I think there are no more answers, but then I have a chance to learn humility. It's a chance to realize the joy of fellowship with the Lord.

보배합2023-04-19 23:10
Dear Sylvia, there are times when I'm overwhelmed with helplessness. Yesterday afternoon was full of those moments for me. There are always ups and downs in my days, but it seems those helplessness moments come to me more often in these days. That is why I needed to be in a faithful community where I can focus on praying with Jesus' heart. Thank YOU, sylvia, for becoming a member of our community. Love to read your sincere writing. Please keep up your good work!

평안이2023-04-19 01:16
I move back and forth between self-blame and self-pity. But God doesn't want me to indulge in any of them and helps me to pray continually to get out of the pattern.

보배합2023-04-19 23:11
Yes, Jane! I also believe that that is why God wants us to pray continually, because He knows us too well. I'm so thankful for having you in this journey. Please keep up the good work, Jane!

은혜 Caris2023-04-19 05:12
Dear God, Help me to consider it in my problems, not just indulge in my wants and needs. And remember her trail, guide her to consider it in her situation. Help me and my husband and her and her husband to be of one mind.

보배합2023-04-19 23:12
Amen, and amen! Father God, you know everything. You are in control of every situation. Please be with Caris and her family. Pour down Your mercy and love that they may be a vehicle to give Your mercy and love to the world. In Jesus' name, amen.
Today's Bible Verse
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:2–4
From the Book
I’m praying that you will consider this trial as an opportunity for joy. [Part 1]
It hits us as completely counter-intuitive that when troubles come our way, we should consider them opportunities for great joy. We more naturally think of them as opportunities to complain, to doubt, to indulge in self-pity, or simply to make the best of a bad situation until it resolves. But James says that we should “consider it” differently. In other words, we should think about troubles differently — in a way that will cause us to feel differently.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p59
Ashley's Note
Father God, it makes me small when I yet again realize the fact that how thoroughly You know me. My words are lighter than the air. My heart is darker than the night sky. My every motive is strictly for myself. Oh God, my dearest friend is in danger, and I said I would pray for her; but I do not know what and how to pray for her. Whenever I try to pray, I find myself indulging in my needs and wants. Lord, shape my prayers. Guide my lips. Mold my words. Help me pray what You want me to pray. Help me pray with Jesus' heart. Help me not forget Your unconditional love.
Today's Missions
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :)
3) Today's phrase: indulge in - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧게 영작해보세요. 단 한 줄도 괜찮아요. :-)