SE04 I[SE04] DAY 01- Marinate in


Daniella2023-04-17 08:54
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this word was "Pickle".
I imagine myself and loved ones to become Jesus pickle. We are so focused on the word of God and soaking and marinated in the presence of God for a long time that we became Jesus pickle. I know pickles aren't made in two second. One day sooner than expected, we will be so pickled in Jesus, people will smell us in his glorious name!
I imagine myself and loved ones to become Jesus pickle. We are so focused on the word of God and soaking and marinated in the presence of God for a long time that we became Jesus pickle. I know pickles aren't made in two second. One day sooner than expected, we will be so pickled in Jesus, people will smell us in his glorious name!

보배합2023-04-17 11:36
Dear Daniella, you've got me here. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring 'pickle' story. Oh, Lord, put all of us in your overwhelming love so that we get to become Jesus pickle. May people all around us can taste Jesus' glory through our days! Amen.

Brielle2023-04-17 10:19
Few months ago, after inevitable closure of my career, I went through some deep, lonely period of depression. It felt like these problems will never be solved with fear
that I am no longer worthy asset in the job market. It seemed the only thing I am capable of doing was child caring and being a housewife. I was marinating myself in doubt and anxiety.
that I am no longer worthy asset in the job market. It seemed the only thing I am capable of doing was child caring and being a housewife. I was marinating myself in doubt and anxiety.

보배합2023-04-17 13:55
Dear Brielle, thank you so much for sharing your honest and sincere story with us. Sometimes it feels volunerable to share our reality, but I do believe that is the very moment when God's strength shows. I am there with you, Brielle! Every woman who has decided to bring the new life into this world is there with you. We all bless you in Jesus' name!

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-17 20:28
I want to marinate in the Bible, His word toward me. So I want to focus on not my will but His will.

보배합2023-04-17 22:15
Amen! Dear Andrea, thank you so much for sharing your inspiring sentences. Help us, Oh Lord, to fix our gaze upon Your will.

평안이2023-04-17 21:57
I don't know how to live in the present moment instead of marinating in the painful memories of the past. The only way to live the present moment I believe is to remain in God's presence.

보배합2023-04-17 22:19
Dear Jane, I truly appreciate your writing full of honest spirit. Father God, we humbly acknowledge the fact that it is out of our capability to be completely free from the ghosts of the past even when we believe You have set us free on the cross. Help us seek the cross; Help us remain in Your presence; Help us take yet another step in faith.

이은아(Elina)2023-04-17 22:04
One of my favorit Gaspel is "Go, Carry the Bruden to Jesus."
When I marinate in anxiety and fear, I often listen to it and pray to Jesus.
And I realize that everything is up to God. Even I don't want to face some horrible situation,He is always Good. So, the best solution that is set free from fear is put everything God's hand!
+I've never known how to use "marinating in", when I made sentence. I just thought of oranges🤣🤣🤣
When I marinate in anxiety and fear, I often listen to it and pray to Jesus.
And I realize that everything is up to God. Even I don't want to face some horrible situation,He is always Good. So, the best solution that is set free from fear is put everything God's hand!
+I've never known how to use "marinating in", when I made sentence. I just thought of oranges🤣🤣🤣

보배합2023-04-17 22:42
Dear Elina, I'm so glad that we can enjoy the journey of learning new expressions! The expression, 'marinate' is also something new to me because I don't normally use this word. I'm a person who does not go along with cooking :-( By the way, I also love "Go, Carry the Burden to Jesus (너 예수께 조용히 나가)". I just want to share the lyrics of this hymn. Thank you for choosing to share your story and become an inspiration for us! Sweet dreams, dear Elina :)
1. Go, carry thy burden to Jesus,
And lay down thy load at His feet,
Where Calvary’s cross is uplifted,
Find pardon and comforting sweet.
2 Rejoice in His wonderful mercy,
Thy soul from its sorrow relieved,
Then, turning in love to thy neighbor,
Give freely, as thou hast received.
3 Let Christ be thy gracious Companion,
Keep close to His side, day by day;
The Fountain, unseen, of the blessings
That brighten and gladden the way.
4 O, fellowship precious and holy,
His life, overflowing in love,
Shall bring to the needy around thee
Fair sunbeams and bloom from above
O, steal away softly to Jesus,
To Him let thy heart be outpoured;
Thy Father, who seeth in secret,
Shall give thee a gracious reward.
1. Go, carry thy burden to Jesus,
And lay down thy load at His feet,
Where Calvary’s cross is uplifted,
Find pardon and comforting sweet.
2 Rejoice in His wonderful mercy,
Thy soul from its sorrow relieved,
Then, turning in love to thy neighbor,
Give freely, as thou hast received.
3 Let Christ be thy gracious Companion,
Keep close to His side, day by day;
The Fountain, unseen, of the blessings
That brighten and gladden the way.
4 O, fellowship precious and holy,
His life, overflowing in love,
Shall bring to the needy around thee
Fair sunbeams and bloom from above
O, steal away softly to Jesus,
To Him let thy heart be outpoured;
Thy Father, who seeth in secret,
Shall give thee a gracious reward.

보배합2023-04-17 22:45
*Sylvia : 실비아의 미션 인증 게시글을 댓글로 옮겼어요 :)
I marinated in fear of being lonely and useless. I was lonely and I always felt that there was no one in the world to love me. I thought that if I did my best, I could achieve everything. But as time went on I completely realised I could do anything on my own.
I am weak and lost. My achievements are worthless and my efforts are in vain.
Then I could feel God's glory and unchanging love. Now I know that no one really loves me more than God. I'm free from fear and loneliness.
I marinated in fear of being lonely and useless. I was lonely and I always felt that there was no one in the world to love me. I thought that if I did my best, I could achieve everything. But as time went on I completely realised I could do anything on my own.
I am weak and lost. My achievements are worthless and my efforts are in vain.
Then I could feel God's glory and unchanging love. Now I know that no one really loves me more than God. I'm free from fear and loneliness.

보배합2023-04-18 14:48
Dear Sylvia, thank you so much for sharing your honest story with us. It is amazing to witness my side of story when reading other's testimony. From your writing, I see myself, making me to glorify God's name once again. Thank you, Sylvia, for choosing to share your story. You are an inspiration. Please keep up the good work!

김지윤2023-04-17 23:21
No , I don't want to marinate myself in worries and see my future in fear. I refuse it and turn to God who gives me hope and a future!

보배합2023-04-18 14:49
Same here! I also want to say NO to worries and anxiety that are trying to overwhelm myself right at the moment. I turn to God who gives me hope even when I'm down. Thank you, Gen, for reminding me of His unfailing love.

은혜 Caris2023-04-18 04:48
The beautiful weather and nature immediately made me feel better, so I wrote bible verse and took a picture. I checked my Instagram to post, and the moment her name and ID came up, I was again marinated in worries and fear. Why am I such a weak person, I just wanted to run back to the Lord and hide. But The Lord always accepts me like this.
Thank you for being my refuge, My God, My Lord.
Thank you for being my refuge, My God, My Lord.

보배합2023-04-18 14:55
Dear Caris, wow, just wow. Have you noticed how beautiful your English sounds? I'm deeply motivated by your language. Thank you, Caris, for choosing to share your honest story with us. It's this kind of moment that we realize how big and good our God is. Keep up the good work and be the inspiration for us, Caris!

Salimist, NABI2023-04-18 15:26
LORD, I want to seek your kingdom and think about things in heaven rather than to be marinated in this world of sin. I confess that I am an disciple, follower of Jesus, my Savior. I Pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

보배합2023-04-18 22:12
Dear Nabi, thank you so much for sharing your prayer with us. Lord, help us seek your kingdom first. May Your kingdom come on earth as we pray and live the way You want us to pray and live.
Today's Bible Verse
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can’t accomplish a little thing like that, what’s the use of worrying over bigger things? … These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.
Luke 12:25-26, 30-31
From the book
We do have something that should make all the difference when we are tempted to worry — we have a Father who knows our needs and will provide everything we need. So, instead of marinating in our fears about the future, we can turn every worry that enters into our mind into prayer and thereby begin to experience a restful confidence in God.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p56
Ashley's Note
Father God, I don't really know how to have conversation with or pray for the people who are going through the valley of the shadow of death. Whenever I encounter such incidents, I incidently marrinate in my anxiety about what the other people would think of me when I speak of Your love in times of trouble. How would I be able to pray for the person and speak of your love when I don't really understand the depth of agony the person is experiencing now? Lord, have mercy on me and be with me when I kneel down and pray with a doubtful heart.
Today's Mission
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :)
3) Today's phrase: marinate in - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧게 영작해보세요. 단 한 줄도 괜찮아요. 저는 앞으로 오늘의 표현을 넣은 기도문을 적으며 기도하려 합니다. 원하시는 모습으로 오늘의 표현을 여러분의 표현으로 만들어보세요.