SE02 A Million Little Ways[SE02] DAY 6 - Long for

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Photo by Melissa Askew  on Unsplash 

From the Book

Several years ago, I took one of those tests to find out what kind of person I am—what jobs I would be good at, what personality traits I have, what basically makes me tick. Even though I was a grown-up person, I still longed for someone else to tell me what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

It’s funny the things I sometimes do for affirmation. Those types of tests tell me everything I already know about myself. If the results show something different than what I believe to be true, I become suspect and question the validity of the test altogether. Even though I was the one who answered the questions. For myself. About myself.

Do we really need to wait for a test to tell us who we are? Do we need to fill out another set of questions about skill and talent and inclination? Those tests can be helpful and clarifying and often necessary. But don’t forget the most basic test of all:

  • Are you made in God’s image?
  • Were you woven together by God in the secret place?
  • Do you have his loving, creative Spirit living inside you?
  • Do you believe he wants to come out?

Good, then. So the next question is, how might he come out of you differently than he comes out of me? How are we to discover the shape of our souls? How do we get in touch with the fingerprint of the Divine on our lives?

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p59-60

Ashley's Note

Yes. I believe I am made in God’s image.

Yes. I believe I was woven together by God in the secret place.

Yes. I have His loving, creative Spirit living inside me.

Yes. I believe He wants to come out and shine His light in a million little ways.

I long for God to use my every moment, especially when I am connecting with people, to color the world with His color. I want people to see the true light through my brokenness. Through my writing, I pray people to have an opportunity to pause and feel the ultimate Artist who created this beautiful world with His words. Not because of what I’m capable of, but because of who He is.

Today’s Mission

  1. 오늘의 단어인 ‘long for'을 넣은 문장을 영작해주세요. 문장이 길지 않아도 되어요. 그리고 한 문장이어도 괜찮아요! Remember. This place is the place to make mistakes and errors!
  2. Recite: 눈으로 읽는 것과 소리를 내어 읽는 과정의 차이. 분명히 있답니다! 그 차이, 꼭 느끼고 누려보세요. 오늘의 책 부분을 핸드폰 녹음기로 녹음하여 카톡창에 공유해보세요. 10일의 기간 동안 7회 이상 Recite 미션을 인증하시는 분들께 드릴 특별한 선물을 준비하고 있어요. :)
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