SE04 I[SE04] DAY 05 - Tangible


Salimist, NABI2023-04-21 08:04
LORD, thank you for your wonderful Grace upon my whole daily life. With your abundant supplies, I became new creature, I can live a living life that flows your Truth, Love, Life as a NABI-An Violet Trasnforming Butterfly. I am a definitely tangible evidence that you are the Creator and Savior of the world and nations because I am trasformed after I became a new-born Christian. Soli Deo Gloria!

보배합2023-04-22 22:29
Amen! Dear Lord, thank you for giving us this wonderful opportunity to share our true identity that can be found in You only. Gracious Lord, have mercy on Jieun and her family; be the Lord of her family and unite her family with your blood. In Jesus' name, amen.

김지윤2023-04-21 08:42
I choose to believe and trust God even though there is no tangible sign I can get in the natural realm. We believe not by sight but by faith.
God is working behind the curtain and oneday we all get to know and see what God has been doing.
God is working behind the curtain and oneday we all get to know and see what God has been doing.

보배합2023-04-22 22:29
Amen, amen! God is working behind the curtain and one day we will all get to know and see what God has been doing as clearly as cristal. Such a powerful statement! Thank you, dear sister, for sharing your inspiring writing with us.

Brielle2023-04-21 09:38
Believing in Christ does not guarantee my life with blessings of money and fame, rather Jesus tells us to share, to give, and make use of my possessions to help others. Sometimes it's hard to accept that being a christian may not lead me to enjoy tangible benefits and abundance, and it shouldn't be what I am seeking for. So I pray and ask for Gods' grace for me to experience heart of Paul, as he learned to be content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

보배합2023-04-22 22:32
Amen! Such a harsh message yet from the right heart of Christ. Thank you, Brielle, for choosing to share God's message and making us open our closed eyes with the truth. Lord, I also pray and ask for Your grace for us to have Paul's heart and be brave enough to choose to be content in Your name only.

Daniella2023-04-21 11:29
Dear Lord, I decide to keep my eyes stayed on you and walk in faith. It doesn't matter what is going on in the physical realm. I don't need to be so caught up in tangible circumstances because you always lead me to equipped with your eternal word.

보배합2023-04-22 22:35
Amen! Heavenly Father, have mercy on Daniella. Take her hands as strong and gentle as possible wherever she is. Protect her precious soul with Your powerful words. Even when she walks through the valley of shadow of death, be her light, comfort, and sign that never shakes.

손단비(Andrea)2023-04-21 16:55
I can not see tangible result in the journey of learning English. It’s true that mastering English takes time. And reaching a significant transformation takes time. It’s not something that happens overnight. But we also need to see and know small changes and progress, awareness which happen overnight. Then we can measure which the way of study english is better for me.

보배합2023-04-22 22:37
You are so right, Andrea! I'm so honored to walk this journey of living life with English with you for a certain period of time. Keep up the good work! You have been doing more than awesome!

은혜 Caris2023-04-21 19:04
Oh lord, you know i am weak. Thank you for such kind words of grace. She still struggles alone. Please be on the side with you. Even though She still feels like there is no tangible evidence from you, grant her faith in the lord. Jubi’s birthday is at hand, i didn’t sleep well last night due to the extreme stress of getting ready. Put the jubi’s birthday party in your hands. Help me not worry but pray. Help me put down all my worries today and sleep well.

보배합2023-04-22 22:40
Father God, I thank you so much for giving Caris' family a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Jubi's life. It is You who have planned it all from the very beginning. May Your life be celebrated through Jubi's life. May Caris feel the joy You have with Your only son, Jesus, with Jubi. Bless her family with Your unconditional love and grace.

김은종2023-04-22 02:28
God, even though there is no tangible evidence that God is working and I can't feel You are with me, I praise your holy name. You are the God who has reigned the whole world through the history. I believe that you will come again and conquer the Satan and give us victory.

보배합2023-04-22 22:44
Father God, thank you so much for giving us this amazing opportunity to pray with dear sister, Sylvia. We praise Your holy name. Even when we don't see anything holy in this fallen world, we choose to shout Your name on high. Make us be hungrier for Your holiness.
Today's Bible Verse
O Lord, don’t rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your rage.
Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak.
Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
I am sick at heart.
How long, O Lord, until you restore me?
Return, O Lord, and rescue me.
Save me because of your unfailing love.
Psalm 6:1–4
From the Book
I’m praying that God will give you the grace to wait. [Part 1]
It can be so very hard to wait on God to heal and restore. We pray earnestly for three or four days, and we think of ourselves as having persevered in prayer. Of course, when we’ve prayed for months or years and see no tangible evidence of God at work in response to our faithful prayers, we can begin to lose hope. We wonder if heaven is closed to us or if there really is anyone in heaven who is listening and able to act.
<I'm Praying for You> Nancy Gutherie, p67
Ashley's Note
Heavenly Father, hold J's hands with Your gentle hands. Clothe her with the blood of Jesus Christ. Protect her soul from evil thoughts that make her want to hide from Your presence. Even when she is living in the season of doubtfulness, even when she feels like there is no tangible evidence of You in control, do not give up on her. Help me not give up on her. Help me choose to pray for her. I can't do it on my own. Only by Your grace I choose to kneel down once again.
Today's Missions
1) Read the text: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 눈으로 읽습니다.
2) Read out loud: Today's Bible verse & From the book 파트를 소리를 내어 읽으며 녹음합니다. 녹음 파일을 카카오톡 챗창에 공유해주세요. :)
3) Today's phrase: Tangible - 오늘의 표현을 활용하여 짧은 영작을 해보세요. 단 한 줄도 괜찮아요. Let's have fun!