SE02 A Million Little Ways[SE02] DAY 10 - Invitation

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Photo by Simon Alibert on Unsplash 

From the Book

Exploring desire might be uncomfortable for you. In one way, it almost seems cruel to ask you to access this part of your soul, because really, on earth, there can never be complete satisfaction of our deepest desires. To imply that there can be is unfair and untrue. But hope does not disappoint. When we recognize the place where our desire runs parallel to that of Christ’s, then we will live in the midst of the now-but-not-quite-yet with a peace that goes beyond our ability to understand.

When we rescue the dreams of our childhood and respect the hope of things to come, we are agreeing with the Trinity: I am an image bearer. I have a job to do.

We trust he knew what he was doing when he made us as we are. We accept ourselves because of the work of Christ, and we accept his invitation to us to enter the world as co-creators with him.

And so we continue the uncovering.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p69

Ashley’s Note

I believe we can only give what we have. In other words, you would know what kind of person I am by what I give. For this reason, I have been praying for God to restore my soul, because I want to be used as a vehicle of sharing God’s revival. God has been answering my prayers in His time and in His ways. At this very point of my life, I believe God is answering my prayer, once again, by guiding my attnetion to three words: Psalms, Nights, Prayer.

These three words have been following me for weeks ever since I had a chance to talk with my small group members at church about very ordinary things. We talked about how we all slept so late at night, like after 1~2 a.m., doing nothing important. That conversation was so typical that it sould have been erased from my memory right after the meeting. Instead, it has clung to my soul and mingled with those three words: Psalms, Nights, Prayer. Just like that, I’ve started to dream of our nights of reading Psalms together on Zoom. It’s God’s invitation for me to notice the brokenness and to be responsive to my prayers.

Although I’m still struggling to overcome the fear of rejection, I am going to take His strong hand once again and dance with Him as He leads my ways. That will be my July. How about yours? I pray God may open your eyes so that you would notice God’s invitation to dance with Him.

Today’s Mission

  1. 오늘의 단어인 ‘Invitation'을 넣은 문장을 영작해주세요. 문장이 길지 않아도 되어요. 그리고 한 문장이어도 괜찮아요! Remember. This place is the place to make mistakes and errors!
  2. Recite: 눈으로 읽는 것과 소리를 내어 읽는 과정의 차이. 분명히 있답니다! 그 차이, 꼭 느끼고 누려보세요. 오늘의 책 부분을 핸드폰 녹음기로 녹음하여 카톡창에 공유해보세요. 10일의 기간 동안 7회 이상 Recite 미션을 인증하시는 분들께 드릴 특별한 선물을 준비하고 있어요. :)
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