SE02 A Million Little Ways[SE02] DAY 4 - Responsive

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From the Book

Our desire to feel alive can be twisted and corrupt, a feeling that can’t be trusted. We arrive here upside down, clench-fisted, screaming for relief and warmth and safety, and we’re not too picky about how we get it. What do we know of being alive? The heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked. Isn’t it?

For so long I was too afraid of my own mixed motives and false experiences of life to even consider waking up to my truest, most intimate desires. It felt wrong to want to uncover desire. But darkness and deceit is not all there is to the heart of a man or a woman. If we continue to live as though our hearts are desperately wicked, we have tragically misunderstood the work of Christ.

When God told Israel through the prophet Ezekiel he was planning to replace their heart of stone with a heart of flesh, he had us in mind. “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, reponsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations” (Ezek. 36 : 26 - 27).

<A Million Little Ways> Emipy P. Freeman p51-52

Ashley’s Note


I remember Professor Kang, the head of the Department of Social Welfare at the time, wrote this word on a whiteboard. He asked us if anyone knew the definition of this word. We all knew it was a rhetorical question so none of us didn’t dare to answer him. After few seconds, he wrote another words on the board.

“Responsibility = Response + ability”

His definition was a shock. Before hearing, I had somehow always thought of responsibility as a passive word. You are responsible to do something because you are given the task; however, Professor Kang’s definition made me think the other way around. You do something because you choose to be responsive to the certain task. Attitude. Motives. Life-changing choice.

Nehemiah chose to be responsive to his cracked heart and told the King what he wanted.

Esther chose to be responsive to her people’s miserable mourning and went to the king by saying “if I perish, I perish.”

When they chose to be responsive to deep desires aroused from their wounds, God lit the fire. The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt. The Jews were set free from evil plot of Haman. The question is not about having enough ability for the task, but about having a willingness to be responsive. Oh Lord. Take out my stony, stubborn heart and give me a tender, reponsive heart.

Today’s Mission

  1. 오늘의 단어인 ‘responsive'를 넣은 문장을 영작해주세요. 문장이 길지 않아도 되어요. 그리고 한 문장이어도 괜찮아요! Remember. This place is the place to make mistakes and errors!
  2. Recite: 눈으로 읽는 것과 소리를 내어 읽는 과정의 차이. 분명히 있답니다! 그 차이, 꼭 느끼고 누려보세요. 오늘의 책 부분을 핸드폰 녹음기로 녹음하여 카톡창에 공유해보세요. 10일의 기간 동안 7회 이상 Recite 미션을 인증하시는 분들께 드릴 특별한 선물을 준비하고 있어요. :)
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