SE02 A Million Little Ways[SE02] DAY 7 - Weave

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Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash 

From the Book

God weaves his art into the very fiber of our being, so close that we can’t not have at least some hint of it, even if we are drowning in addiction, blind to the truth, hardened by unforgiveness, paralyzed with fear.

Maybe you are drawn to the people and culture of another country but you can’t explain why. Maybe you see the need for a ministry in your church or a particular job at your company that doesn’t exist yet. You bring your camera to every wedding because you can’t not take pictures of the bride. You write for free and it should feel like a waste, except that it doesn’t and you don’t have an answer for it. You stare at your living room and imagine ways to make it better, and then you do and it changes your mood.

It should be silly, except somehow to you, it isn’t.

<A Million Little Ways> Emily P. Freeman p65

Ashley’s Note

It’s been almost five years. Five years of desigining small meetings, gathering people, reading books, and sharing thoughts in a million little ways. People have asked me why I spend my time, money, and effort running these meetings. “You are a mom of two kids. Aren’t you already busy enough? Is it for the money? Or is it for the fame? Why do you keep doing what you do?”, they have asked.

Turst me. I am the one who really wants to understand the shape of my soul, because it certainly doesn’t make me rich nor famous. To be honest, I don’t know. It is one of big issues that I have been trying to articulate clearly but have failed in most cases. As time goes by, however, one thing is becoming ever more clear: When I read a good book, a rough image of group of people pops in my mind. People who have a thirst for a deeper and meaningful level of communication with other people and with their souls. People who long for a safe yet creative place to exfoliate and renew their mind like how we do at a spa. Not to feel too fancy nor luxury, but to feel welcomed and accepted. The image of sharing a decent meal with these people whom I have not met in person yet is one of main reasons that makes me to take another step forward even when I’m paralized with fear of being rejected.

Oh yes. God has clearly woven the spirit of festivity at His dining table into the very fiber of my being.

Today’s Mission

  1. 오늘의 단어인 ‘weave'를 넣은 문장을 영작해주세요. 문장이 길지 않아도 되어요. 그리고 한 문장이어도 괜찮아요! Remember. This place is the place to make mistakes and errors!
  2. Recite: 눈으로 읽는 것과 소리를 내어 읽는 과정의 차이. 분명히 있답니다! 그 차이, 꼭 느끼고 누려보세요. 오늘의 책 부분을 핸드폰 녹음기로 녹음하여 카톡창에 공유해보세요. 10일의 기간 동안 7회 이상 Recite 미션을 인증하시는 분들께 드릴 특별한 선물을 준비하고 있어요. :)
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